Revolutionizing Fertility: Tam Anh IVF’s Cutting-Edge Approach to Assisted Reproduction in Vietnam

8 strategies for treating infertility through applications

Tam Anh IVF in Hanoi is a leading center for assisted reproduction in Vietnam, rapidly catching up with the latest technologies in the field. Dr. Le Hoang, the People’s Physician and Director of the Center for Reproductive Support, shared that Vietnam has mastered advanced techniques like artificial intelligence, embryo genetic screening, embryo escape, and micro-TESE surgery to enhance the success rate of IVF treatments.

One of the modern techniques applied in assisted reproduction at Tam Anh IVF is platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections. This treatment helps improve the lining of the uterus, increasing the chances of successful implantation for couples struggling with infertility. Another innovative technology used at Tam Anh IVF is the dynamic embryo culture cabinet system, which uses continuous surveillance cameras to monitor embryo development without exposing them to external environments. This method has shown a significant increase in blastocyst development at Tam Anh IVF.

Artificial intelligence software is also revolutionizing reproductive support at Tam Anh IVF by helping embryologists select the best embryos for transfer using advanced algorithms. This technology improves conception success rates by choosing embryos with the highest likelihood of implantation. Other techniques like mild ovarian stimulation regimens, in vitro oocyte maturation, micro-TESE microsurgery, pre-implantation genetic screening, and vitrification are also being utilized to enhance chances of success for infertile couples undergoing IVF treatments at Tam Anh IVF.

With these advanced assisted reproductive technologies, difficult cases at Tam Anh IVF have seen an average pregnancy rate of up to 68.5%, providing hope and success for many couples struggling to conceive.

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