Revolutionizing Small Business: How Entrepreneurs are Embracing Emerging Technologies like Generative AI

Utilizing Google’s Gemini to Expand Your Business as an Entrepreneur

During National Small Business Week, we are honoring entrepreneurs who are integrating emerging technologies like generative AI into their businesses. Cece Meadows, the founder of Prados Beauty, initially turned to Google to discover digital tools that could improve her brand. Now, she is utilizing Gemini to simplify daily tasks and generate ideas for business expansion.

In 2019, Cece launched Prados Beauty from her daughter’s nursery in Las Cruces, New Mexico with her husband, Daniel, who is a U.S. Army major. After implementing Google Ads in 2020, Cece witnessed a substantial return on ad spend within two months, resulting in a 500% increase in web traffic and a 700% rise in sales. Recognizing the significance of consistent advertising, Cece began running Google Ads on a daily basis.

At a Grow with Google event several years ago, Cece first became familiar with AI tools like Gemini, which she saw as an essential asset for her business. She now uses Gemini to assist with writing social media posts, brainstorming packaging ideas, and gaining insights into brand development. Cece notes that tasks that would have taken her days to complete can now be accomplished in an hour with the help of Gemini, making it an indispensable tool for her business success.

Small business owners can benefit from AI education and resources such as Google AI Essentials, a self-paced course designed to enhance productivity through AI skills. Additionally, they can participate in the U.S. Small Business Administration’s National Small Business Week Virtual Summit from April 30 – May 1, where Grow with Google will host an AI webinar and virtual booth offering resources to support small businesses in connecting with customers online and expanding their reach beyond borders.

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