South Dakota Revives State Health Improvement Plan with Comprehensive Assessment: Improving Public Health through Collaboration and Data-Driven Efforts

First statewide health assessments released for the first time post-COVID

The Department of Health in South Dakota has recently revived its State Health Improvement Plan, which had been put on hold due to the pandemic. This comprehensive State Health Assessment was published, and health organizations and communities reported their findings to the Department of Health. Mariah Pokorny, the deputy division director at the Department of Health, stated that this effort is aimed at better informing the state health system. She stressed the importance of collaboration and how the improvement plan supports the development and implementation of community strategies based on priorities identified in the assessment.

The assessment covers a range of health fields and includes data obtained through various methods such as assessment data, priority health indicator assessments, community conversations, and key informant interviews. Pokorny highlighted that making this assessment available to partners and programs would support data-driven efforts in South Dakota. Insights were gathered by engaging with healthcare providers on the ground and seeking their input on what strategies have been successful in their communities and how the state agency can continue to support their efforts with data and collaboration opportunities.

The Department of Health’s website provides a link to access these documents, which serve as a backbone for informing and identifying areas of focus such as capacity building and training needs. Collaboration between health organizations, communities, and the state health system is vital for addressing health challenges and improving overall public health in South Dakota.

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